Thursday, May 21, 2020

The History of Juneteenth Celebrations

Abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth worked tirelessly to free blacks from bondage in the United States. And when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, it appeared that the peculiar institution known as slavery had met its end. For many African Americans, life remained the same, however. That’s because fierce racial discrimination prevented them from living autonomous lives. More shockingly, some enslaved African Americans had no idea that President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which mandated that they be set free. In Texas, more than two-and-a-half years passed before slaves received their freedom. The holiday known as Juneteenth Independence Day honors these slaves as well as African-American heritage and the contributions blacks have made to the United States. History of Juneteenth Juneteenth marks the date of June 19, 1865, when Gen. Gordon Granger of the Union Army arrived in Galveston, Texas, to demand that the slaves there be set free. Texas was one of the last states where slavery endured. Although President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, African Americans remained in bondage in the Lone Star State. When Gen. Granger arrived in Texas, he read General Order No. 3 to Galveston residents: â€Å"The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages.† Following Granger’s announcement, the formerly enslaved African Americans broke into celebration. Today that celebration, said to be the oldest black American holiday, is known as Juneteenth. African Americans not only celebrated their freedom, but they also exercised their new rights by buying land across Texas, namely Emancipation Park in Houston, Booker T. Washington Park in Mexia and Emancipation Park in Austin. Past and Present Juneteenth Celebrations The first massive Juneteenth celebrations kicked off the year after Gen. Granger appeared in Galveston. Historic Juneteenth celebrations included religious services, readings of the Emancipation Proclamation, inspirational speakers, stories from former slaves and games and contests, including rodeo events. Many African Americans celebrated Juneteenth in the same way that Americans generally celebrate the Fourth of July. Today, Juneteenth celebrations feature similar activities. As of 2012, 40 states and the District of Columbia recognize the Juneteenth holiday. Since 1980, the state of Texas has observed Juneteenth as an official holiday known as Emancipation Day. Contemporary celebrations of Juneteenth in Texas and elsewhere include parades and street fairs, dancing, picnics and cookouts, family reunions and historical reenactments. Moreover, President Barack Obama pointed out in his 2009 proclamation of the holiday that Juneteenth â€Å"also serves as a time for reflection and appreciation, and an opportunity for many people to trace their family’s lineage.† While African Americans widely celebrate Juneteenth today, the popularity of the holiday has waned during certain periods, such as World War II. Holiday celebrations of Juneteenth resurrected in 1950, but by the last years of that decade and in the 1960s, Juneteenth celebrations declined once more. Juneteenth became a popular holiday again in a variety of regions during the 1970s. In the early 21st century, Juneteenth is not only a well-celebrated holiday, but there’s also a push to have the 19th of June become a National Day of Recognition for slavery. Call for National Day of Recognition The Rev. Ronald V. Myers Sr., founder and chairman of the National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign and the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, had asked President Barack Obama to â€Å"issue a presidential proclamation to establish Juneteenth Independence Day as a National Day of Observance in America, similar to Flag Day or Patriot Day.† As an elected official in Illinois, Barack Obama supported legislation for his state to recognize Juneteenth, but no president has yet to make a move that would make Juneteenth a National Day of Recognition. Only time will tell if Juneteenth and the slavery of African Americans will ever be acknowledged by the federal government in such an official capacity.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Engaging Religions To Shape Worldviews Example

Essays on Engaging Religions To Shape Worldviews Article Engaging Religions to Shape Worldviews Religion remains an integral part and a critical aspect in the lives of many today; despite the fact, no all people are religious by nature. Contrary to common opinions that religion is important only for the religious, current trends have ideally changed such a perception as it currently plays a substantive role in the shaping of worldviews. Many have believed that religion only entail matters of personal, private belief and as such, never plays any significant role in either public life or in the contemporary world. Religion has a critical role it plays in creating sustainable cultures. Based on such an approach, it is evident that climate change remains a global challenge today. Different religious groups are currently in plans of addressing such challenges, through the formation of partnerships with concerned organizations such as United Nations, where religious groups work towards greening of activities aimed towards reducing aspects such a s climate change, deforestation, and water scarcity (Gardener 23). Previous studies have revealed an increased potential in faith communities becoming potentially influential as gateways to discussions pertaining to environmental protection (Gardener 24). Such a perspective is in addition to the aspect religious gathering becoming education forums for network building, cooperation towards initiating peace and engagements in the communities. The major drivers of environmental impact such as technology and populations have ideally increased elements of consumerism. Even though religion has not taken a strong stand on matters pertaining to consumerism, which contribute significantly to environmental degradation, religion has advocated simple living and such elements that have little impact on the environmental degradation (Gardener 26). Based on the aspects addressed above, it is clear that indeed religion has played a significant role in shaping worldviews, contrary to common opinion that religion only involves matters of personal, private belief and does not play a significant role in public life or the contemporary world.Work CitedGardener Gary. State of the World. Engaging Religions to Shaping Worldviews, Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to Sustainability. The world Watch Institute, 2010.

Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools Which Do You Prefer Free Essays

Many parents are agonizing about aspects between single-sex school and co-ed school (coeducational school) in relation to what is best for their children. Hence, to justify which is a much preferred choice in respect to differences between the two kinds of school as well as its benefits and disadvantages. It is only natural, of course, for parents to be concerned especially in matters that concern their children. We will write a custom essay sample on Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools: Which Do You Prefer? or any similar topic only for you Order Now A minority of parents will choose to send their children to single-sex school because they are concerned about their children’s studies in terms of the possible distraction of the opposite sex, knowing the teenage trends in this modern century. Looking at the modern trends, most teenagers begin having relationships at young ages of 13. It is highly understandable that parents worry. However, parents should also have the confidence in their children, whom they have tirelessly instilled values since the day of their birth, to be able to manage these relationships so that it will not negatively affect their studies. There are percentages of students who are affectionately fond of each other, but did not negatively affect their studies and even made them work harder because they didn’t want their parents to be against the relationship. Besides that, some teachers pay more attention to the boys because usually boy tend to slack in comparison to girls, and sometimes teachers will encourage boys to put in more effort and try harder to solve difficulties. In contrast to that, when girls were having difficulty, the teacher often provides the answer. This may in turn affect girls, thinking that they do not receive equal opportunities of the challenge and lack enjoyment in their studies. While some may send their children to single-sex schools, many still send their children to co-ed school because they are of the opinion that schools are just places where students get acquainted with the basics of the life, which further helps them to foster their proficiency level in different aspects of life required in this competitive world. In many cases, students who come from single-sex school face difficulties adapting or even coping with society because they lack experience in associating themselves with the opposite sex. According to reports from the Australian Government, test results of students from single-sex school are higher in marks than students from co-ed school. This is because children in single-sex schools are more focused in revising for they do not have the distraction students in co-ed classes have. Another eason why single-sex schooling is a good idea is that students are going to have more study time to get more work done, thereby leading to less undone homework and reduce procrastinations. Boys and girls learn in two different ways. That’s why having a single sex school is more rewarding than a co-ed school. According to the report, the difference between the way boys and girls learn are the type of weather boys and girls preferred. Boys prefer to learn in a cool, dark room but girl prefer to learn in warm and light room. Boys like the subject that around math and science but girls usually like around language. So when there are two different people wanting two different things it’s hard to please both sides. In conclusion, whether sending children to Single-sex or co-ed schools a type of love from parents. Going to the two kinds of school actually doesn’t affect the behaviour or a child’s study, it basically just focuses on the student whether they want to study or not. Therefore, I think going to either single- sex or Co-ed school doesn’t actually matter that much as long as you can keep up with your study then having opposite sex around you is an absolute fine thing. How to cite Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools: Which Do You Prefer?, Papers Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools Which Do You Prefer Free Essays Many parents are agonizing about aspects between single-sex school and co-ed school (coeducational school) in relation to what is best for their children. Hence, to justify which is a much preferred choice in respect to differences between the two kinds of school as well as its benefits and disadvantages. It is only natural, of course, for parents to be concerned especially in matters that concern their children. We will write a custom essay sample on Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools: Which Do You Prefer? or any similar topic only for you Order Now A minority of parents will choose to send their children to single-sex school because they are concerned about their children’s studies in terms of the possible distraction of the opposite sex, knowing the teenage trends in this modern century. Looking at the modern trends, most teenagers begin having relationships at young ages of 13. It is highly understandable that parents worry. However, parents should also have the confidence in their children, whom they have tirelessly instilled values since the day of their birth, to be able to manage these relationships so that it will not negatively affect their studies. There are percentages of students who are affectionately fond of each other, but did not negatively affect their studies and even made them work harder because they didn’t want their parents to be against the relationship. Besides that, some teachers pay more attention to the boys because usually boy tend to slack in comparison to girls, and sometimes teachers will encourage boys to put in more effort and try harder to solve difficulties. In contrast to that, when girls were having difficulty, the teacher often provides the answer. This may in turn affect girls, thinking that they do not receive equal opportunities of the challenge and lack enjoyment in their studies. While some may send their children to single-sex schools, many still send their children to co-ed school because they are of the opinion that schools are just places where students get acquainted with the basics of the life, which further helps them to foster their proficiency level in different aspects of life required in this competitive world. In many cases, students who come from single-sex school face difficulties adapting or even coping with society because they lack experience in associating themselves with the opposite sex. According to reports from the Australian Government, test results of students from single-sex school are higher in marks than students from co-ed school. This is because children in single-sex schools are more focused in revising for they do not have the distraction students in co-ed classes have. Another eason why single-sex schooling is a good idea is that students are going to have more study time to get more work done, thereby leading to less undone homework and reduce procrastinations. Boys and girls learn in two different ways. That’s why having a single sex school is more rewarding than a co-ed school. According to the report, the difference between the way boys and girls learn are the type of weather boys and girls preferred. Boys prefer to learn in a cool, dark room but girl prefer to learn in warm and light room. Boys like the subject that around math and science but girls usually like around language. So when there are two different people wanting two different things it’s hard to please both sides. In conclusion, whether sending children to Single-sex or co-ed schools a type of love from parents. Going to the two kinds of school actually doesn’t affect the behaviour or a child’s study, it basically just focuses on the student whether they want to study or not. Therefore, I think going to either single- sex or Co-ed school doesn’t actually matter that much as long as you can keep up with your study then having opposite sex around you is an absolute fine thing. How to cite Single-Sex or Co-Ed Schools: Which Do You Prefer?, Essay examples